Request for Comments: libarchive, bsdtar

M. Warner Losh imp at
Wed Jan 14 13:24:21 PST 2004

In message: <4005A9A9.6090503 at>
            Tim Kientzle <kientzle at> writes:
: M. Warner Losh wrote:
: > In message: <Pine.NEB.3.96L.1040114142135.49872F-100000 at>
: >             Robert Watson <rwatson at> writes:
: > : I know NetBSD has a neat tool to create file systems from userspace
: > : without privilege, but my understanding is that it has to pull in a lot of
: > : code from the kernel in fairly messy ways.  Since tar files are a well
: > : supported portable format... :-)
: > 
: > The problem then reduces to needing to be able to create the tar file
: > with ownership/permissions different than is in the unpriv'd build
: > tree.  Generation of this list, as well as getting tar/whatever to
: > honor it are interesting problems.
: Not all that interesting, really.  ;-)

A small matter of coding then to cause the meta data to be stored
during the install and then written to the archive format.


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