IRQ 2 problem

John Baldwin jhb at
Fri Jan 2 10:27:35 PST 2004

On 02-Jan-2004 M. Warner Losh wrote:
> In message: <XFMail.20040102113123.jhb at>
>             John Baldwin <jhb at> writes:
>: > It looks like IRQ2 isn't registered as an interrupt source, so when we
>: > create the resource map, it looks like we skip it and shouldn't be
>: > handing it out...
>: Yes, it doesn't exist as a valid IRQ in the irq map anymore.  Oh, but you
>: know what, the resource manager is really buggy in this respect.  For example,
>: on my system here:
>: Interrupt request lines:
>:     0x0 (root0)
>:     0x1 (atkbd0)
>:     0x2 (root0)
>:     0x3 (sio1)
>:     0x4 (sio0)
>:     0x5-0x8 (root0)
>:     0x9 (acpi0)
>:     0xa-0xb (root0)
>:     0xc (psm0)
>:     0xd (npx0)
>:     0xe (ata0)
>:     0xf (ata1)
>:     0x10 (uhci0)
>:     0x11 (sis0)
>:     0x12 (uhci2)
>:     0x13 (uhci1)
>:     0x14 (fxp0)
>:     0x15-0x17 (root0)
>: Note that the nexus didn't add IRQ 2 as a possible resource, but the
>: resource manager went ahead and added it anyway when the adjacent
>: regions were added.  Someone should fix the resource manager code
>: perhaps.
> Interesting.  Of course the default behavior for the devinfo stuff is
> to say that root owns it, so I'm not 100% convinced that it is a bug
> in the resource manager, necessarily...  It fails to report shared
> resources correctly, but they are none-the-less allocated correctly.
> I'm curious why the new PIC driver doesn't allocate IRQ 2 itself...

It does it by not making it available in the first place.


John Baldwin <jhb at>  <><
"Power Users Use the Power to Serve!"  -

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