option directive and turning on AOE

Andre Oppermann andre at freebsd.org
Tue Aug 31 15:33:20 PDT 2004

Julian Elischer wrote:
> Brooks Davis wrote:
> >On Tue, Aug 31, 2004 at 02:27:33PM -0600, Scott Long wrote:
> >
> >
> >>Sam wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>>I've added code to if_ethersubr.c:/ether_demux/
> >>>to queue up AoE frames as they appear.  I followed
> >>>suit with other protocols and included my addition
> >>>inside of an #ifdef AOE.  Where do I turn this on?
> >>>I thought perhaps just adding an 'option AOE' to
> >>>the config would do it, but it doesn't -- so clearly
> >>>I don't understand how the option directive works.
> >>>The config man page doesn't talk about option/device
> >>>directives ...
> >>>
> >>>I'm still looking, but a clue would be well received.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>Did you modify /sys/conf/options to tell it about your
> >>AOE option?  If so, then you should have specified the name
> >>of a header file that the option would be #define'd into.
> >>Include that header file in if_ethersubr.c and you should
> >>have no problems.
> >>
> >>Incidentally, this might be an area when netgraph would be
> >>useful.  Instead of having an AoE specific hook in the
> >>stack, you could have an AoE netgraph module that uses the
> >>existing netgraph hooks.  It's just an idea, though.
> >>
> >>
> >
> >Another option might be a PFIL hook.  There isn't one there now, but I
> >think I've seen talk of adding one.  Actually, if we did that, we could
> >get most of the netgraph specific hooks out of the ethernet code.
> >
> or visa versa..
> make pfil have a netgraph hook. then you could use it to filter all
> kinds of things in netgraph graphs.

Yea, a ng_pfilhook module should be fairly easy to write.  I don't like
it the other way around.  PFIL_HOOKS is a hooking mechanism, so something
should hook itself in there.

PS: I'm thinking about moving all the IPSec cruft in IPv4 into a pfil
hook.  Thus IPSecKAME and FastIPSec could be loadable modules and it
would relieve ip_input/output.c by some more 1000's of lines.  Haven't
looked fully into it yet though.  I'm sure there are some difficulties
hidden somewhere. ;-)


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