
Adam C. Migus adam at
Wed Oct 8 07:12:16 PDT 2003

Bruce Evans said:
> On Thu, 2 Oct 2003, Adam C. Migus wrote:
>> > On Fri, 26 Sep 2003, Adam C. Migus wrote:
>> This patch works for me, please let me know if there's any
>> problems
>> with it or you'd like a PR.
> % ====
> //depot/user/amigus/freebsd-amigus/src/usr.sbin/config/config.y#1 -
> /src/p4/user/amigus/
> ====
> % @@ -118,6 +118,8 @@
> %  		|
> %  	Config_spec SEMICOLON
> %  		|
> % +	Include
> % +		|
> %  		|
> %  	error SEMICOLON
> % @@ -164,9 +166,7 @@
> %  	      = {
> %  		      hints = $2;
> %  		      hintmode = 1;
> % -	        } |
> % -	      = { include($2, 0); };
> % +	        };
> %
> %  System_spec:
> %  	CONFIG System_id System_parameter_list
> % @@ -265,6 +265,11 @@
> %  		rmdev($2);
> %  		} ;
> %
> % +Include:
> % +	      = { include($2, 0); };
> % +
> % +
> %  %%
> %
> %  void
> I found 1 problem with this: it doesn't require SEMICOLON after
> "INCLUDE ID", so parsing resumes after "ID" when the input stream
> is switched back to the includer.  You can say things like
> 	include FOO		device foo
> and then the "device foo" directive actually works.  This can be
> considered a feature, but the following is not:
> 	include GENERIC.local
> at the end of GENERIC should be a syntax error, but it actually
> matches ID = GENERIC and includes GENERIC recursively, which gives
> a confusing error message.  There would be a syntax error on
> switching
> back but config aborts before then.  (Filenames other than single
> identifiers must be quoted to avoid problems like this.  This is not
> very obvious since config was changed to not require quotes in most
> contexts.)
> Stefan's version requires SEMICOLON:
> % Index: src/usr.sbin/config/config.y
> %
> ===================================================================
> % RCS file: /usr/home/ncvs/src/usr.sbin/config/config.y,v
> % retrieving revision 1.61
> % diff -u -r1.61 config.y
> % --- src/usr.sbin/config/config.y	6 Jul 2003 02:00:52 -0000	1.61
> % +++ src/usr.sbin/config/config.y	27 Sep 2003 10:39:13 -0000
> % @@ -118,6 +118,9 @@
> %  		|
> %  	Config_spec SEMICOLON
> %  		|
> % +	      = { include($2, 0); };
> % +		|
> %  		|
> %  	error SEMICOLON
> % @@ -164,9 +167,7 @@
> %  	      = {
> %  		      hints = $2;
> %  		      hintmode = 1;
> % -	        } |
> % -	      = { include($2, 0); };
> % +	        }
> %
> %  System_spec:
> %  	CONFIG System_id System_parameter_list
> I lost your examples showing that this doesn't quite work.  What is
> the
> problem with it?
> Another old bug is that using "include" defeats the point of the
> INCLUDE_CONFIG_FILE option (since included files aren't expanded).
> Bruce

I was half aware of this issue but viewed the bug/feature as a
'necessary evil' given the complications in dealing with it.  Your
point about defeating the INCLUDE_CONFIG_FILE option, which I admit
I like but no longer use, furthers this point -- the 'include'
option is messy, period.

WRT Stefan's solution, simply nest two includes on the first line,
like so:

head -1 KERNEL
include SUB1

head -1 SUB1
include SUB2

This will cause config to fail in the same manner it did before,
with his patch.

If you'd like, I can work on a more elegant solution that addresses
the bugs you've outlined as well as (possibly, maybe) making
INCLUDE_CONFIG_FILE useful again, with 'include.'

Based on what I am reading I think people like 'include,' it's been
there for a while and I don't think it's going away, so, if I'm
correct fixing it right is the way to go.

Let me know if you guys are interested, if so I'll happily make
fixing  /usr/sbin/config a side project.  Otherwise I guess you'd be
left with pick the broken you like best, document it and leave it
that way or pull the include option entirely.

Adam - (
Migus Dot Org - (

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