`Hiding' libc symbols

M. Warner Losh imp at bsdimp.com
Mon May 12 23:23:29 PDT 2003

In message: <20030511232857.GB66670 at dragon.nuxi.com>
            "David O'Brien" <freebsd-arch at freebsd.org> writes:
: On Sun, May 11, 2003 at 10:34:12AM -0600, M. Warner Losh wrote:
: > In message: <20030509154304.GC61844 at dragon.nuxi.com>
: >             "David O'Brien" <freebsd-arch at freebsd.org> writes:
: > : On Thu, May 08, 2003 at 01:20:28PM -0400, Daniel Eischen wrote:
: > : > At any rate, can we please put this thread to rest until
: > : > Jacques comes back from vacation?  It doesn't make sense
: > : > arguing about it when the main proponent of it is not
: > : > here.
: > : 
: > : This thread doesn't make sense regardless of who is on vacation.  Those
: > : of us opposed to this change have shown enough opposition that there will
: > : not be a consisenses on this issue.  (at least not this go around)  This
: > : thread should just die period.
: > 
: > No you haven't shown that opposition.  You've just shown that you can
: > be loud and not have a full command of the facts of the situation.  We
: > already hide some of the symbols.  Geeze
: Geeze what are you talking about?  You don't think there is opposition to
: Jacques commit and anything like it?  Do I need to list all the names of
: us that didn't like the commit that started all this?  So what if some
: symbols are already hidden.  I and other don't like that either -- but it
: seems we have to tolerate that for a threading library.  

This is clearly a religious difference of opinion.  Both sides are
Right, which means progress is impossible.

: "loud", "full command"... if you think there is or can be any consisenses
: of this issue in the freebsd-arch@ list, you haven't been reading the
: thread.  Do you really think this issue can be settled in this forum
: right now??  Geeze.

I have been reading the thread.  Near as I can tell, only you and ache
were opposing things, but I must admit that I didn't count the people
that I didn't think understood the issues in this list.


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