`Hiding' libc symbols

Andrey A. Chernov ache at nagual.pp.ru
Mon May 5 15:52:03 PDT 2003

On Mon, May 05, 2003 at 18:14:45 -0400, Daniel Eischen wrote:
> symbols in order to satisfy the needs of the threads library
> and to separate libc_r from libc, I would kindly suggest that
> you leave things alone.  But if want to change things, please
> make sure they work with all the threads libraries that we
> currently have.  I don't want the burden of doing this nor
> have it impact our current efforts.

Please calm down, I don't want to break threads badly or anything like.  
Especially when I don't understands threads details. At this stage we just
discuss here how to make things better. My point will be clear answering
on this simple question:

What produce less errors in application and libraries?
a) Allow application to replace any standard function.
b) Produce linker error on such attempts.

Please also note that I not treat functions like err(), warn() etc. as 
standard, so namespace.h is right for them.

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