Allow underscores in DNS names

Terry Lambert tlambert2 at
Sat Mar 29 17:55:20 PST 2003

Barry Pederson wrote:
> > I thought proxy autodetect used or looked up
> > ?  All the XP machines here do that.
> The underscore in DNS names is showing up in things like RFC2872 (A DNS RR
> for specifying the location of services), and "DNS-based Service discovery"
> as found in Zeroconf/Rendezvous.

Excuse me, but that *particular* underscore is a namespace
escape, and is used *precisely* so that it does *NOT* ever
match a valid host name.

People who want the resource records for specific services
are supposed to use a service lookup API, rahter than a host
name lookup API.

Please read the working group documentation for Zeroconf.

-- Terry "A big fan of zeroconf and the death of DHCP" Lambert

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