API change for bus_dma

Andrew Gallatin gallatin at cs.duke.edu
Mon Jun 30 06:59:43 PDT 2003

Justin T. Gibbs writes:
 > >  > As I understand it, it is possible to set the pycho bridge to use
 > >  > a coherent address range, but FreeBSD doesn't take advantage of that
 > >  > yet.
 > >  > 
 > > 
 > > Yes, that's what solaris does..
 > We added BUS_DMA_COHERENT to the API just before shipping 5.1.  It
 > is only a "hint", so if you need to verify that the implementation
 > was able to give you coherent memory, we should add an API to allow
 > you to know.  Of course, the Sparc bus dma implementation doesn't honor
 > the flag yet, but I'm sure that will change shortly.

Thanks Justin!


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