dynamically linked root and nscd

Bosko Milekic bmilekic at technokratis.com
Fri Jun 27 09:13:47 PDT 2003

On Fri, Jun 27, 2003 at 12:02:38PM -0400, Robert Watson wrote:
> On Fri, 27 Jun 2003, Bosko Milekic wrote:
> >  I hate to intrude like this here, but I have a question. 
> > 
> >  When you guys talk about "caching daemon," I hope you mean the same
> >  thing.  Do you mean "a daemon that would only do caching and be queried
> >  by the libc stuff before the nss code calls the backend" or do you mean
> >  "a daemon that the nss code would talk to and that would not only do
> >  caching but also take care of calling the backend?"  Because, in the
> >  former case, you still need to dynamically link whereas in the latter
> >  (more appealing case), you don't. 
> What I have in mind is an NSS libc stub client that speaks to a UNIX
> domain socket, which hooks you up to nscd which dynamically links against
> the providers of the NSS lookup services.

  Yes, this is precisely what I had in mind, too.

  I found the relevant post:

  From: Michael Bushkov <bushman at rsu.ru>
  List-Id: Technical Discussions relating to FreeBSD
  Subject: Re[2]: nscd for freebsd
  Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2003 17:43:06 +0400

  It seems that the person in the CC was involved in the first
  discussion, too; these are in fact the same guys from RSU.

  So, to the guys from RSU: why is a dynamically-linked-root important
  for the daemon dispatcher/cache engine idea?

Bosko Milekic  *  bmilekic at technokratis.com  *  bmilekic at FreeBSD.org
TECHNOkRATIS Consulting Services  *  http://www.technokratis.com/

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