Per-source CFLAGS

David Schultz dschultz at OCF.Berkeley.EDU
Sun Jun 22 01:59:27 PDT 2003

On Sun, Jun 22, 2003, Ruslan Ermilov wrote:
> I still have some concerns with the proposed implementation.
> All already existing per-file knobs override the global knob,
> and I think that maybe the per-source CFLAGS should behave
> the same?  Doing it this way is more flexible; you're free
> to augment the global CFLAGS by saying

Overriding the global settings is kinda the point, but FWIW, your
proposal is indeed more flexible.  But can you think of a way to
implement it that doesn't involve generating a CFLAGS_foo.c
variable for every file?

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