cvs commit: src/sys/fs/nullfs null.h null_subr.c null_vnops.c

Sheldon Hearn sheldonh at
Thu Jun 19 08:28:53 PDT 2003

On (2003/06/19 12:16), The Hermit Hacker wrote:

> > My comments about nullfs and unionfs, shoul not be construed as I want
> > to kill those features, it was more meant as "they will not be my
> > primary priorities and if they break temporarily, so be it."
> Ah, well, 'break temporarily' doesn't worry me too much ... I just got the
> impression of "rip out completely" from your one note, which had me
> concerned :(

That's not a completely unrealistic impression to walk away with.  The
last time unionfs and nullfs were broken, it was also temporarily.  It's
all relative. :-)


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