make /dev/pci really readable

M. Warner Losh imp at
Mon Jun 16 22:40:13 PDT 2003

In message: <20030617053456.GG73854 at>
            John-Mark Gurney <gurney_j at> writes:
: You can take a look at it if you want (I'll send you my patchse
: shortly.).  Shouldn't take but about 5-10 minutes of your time.  It's
: a VERY simple interface/code.

Actually, looks like the interactions with others have done a great
job of doing that.

: > : > You can get the same information that pciconf -l does by going through
: > : > the alternative interface of devinfo.
: > : 
: > : So, I hear you proposing to remove pciconf and the /dev/pci interface?
: > 
: > Not really.  I'm saying that we should beef up devinfo interface so
: > that it can get PNP information from more databases that just the PCI
: > one.  pciconf is the wrong place for -v to be placed.  But it was the
: > only place to place it when it was written.  Now that other busses
: > have begun to implement pnp info to userland, we should look at a good
: > way to deal.
: I agree...  devinfo is much beter than pciconf for device information,
: but this whole bit was just started to get one small piece of code
: committed, at least it'll be better while it lasts.

True.  It will be a while before devinfo can get the TLC I really want
to give it.


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