removing stale files

M. Warner Losh imp at
Wed Jun 11 08:33:44 PDT 2003

In message: <20030611075750.GB57496 at>
            "Greg 'groggy' Lehey" <grog at> writes:
: On Tuesday, 10 June 2003 at  2:53:09 -0700, Doug Barton wrote:
: > On Tue, 10 Jun 2003, Alexey Zelkin wrote:
: >
: >> [moved to -arch]
: >>
: >> Well.  Then I have to rehash $subj issue again.  There's important
: >> point with removing old (currently unsupported, or correctly to say
: >> -- partly supported) locales.  They should be removed at installworld
: >> stage.
: >
: > I think that's a better way to do it. This same topic of removing stale
: > files at installworld time has been discussed before, and it seems to be
: > the least evil solution.
: Agreed.
: I think we should work towards a policy where we say "these
: directories belong to the system.  Don't install your own things there
: until you know exactly what you are doing.".  That would greatly
: simplify the job of keeping things up to date.

In the past, it has been suggested that there be a 'make rmobs' target
or something similar.  I'd strongly oppose a non-turn-off-able doing
this as part of installworld.  That's too dangerous.  I've
experimented with some automatically delete obsolete files schemes in
the past, and there is *MUCH* potential for foot shooting and ***
******* to make it be on by default.

NetBSD's approach in etcupdate is based on a master list of files that
have gone away.


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