Way forward with BIND 8

Thomas Seck tmseck-lists at netcologne.de
Sat Jun 7 03:32:15 PDT 2003

* Doug Barton (DougB at freebsd.org):

> As I've said, I have a great deal of sympathy with this position. But
> before we could consider it, we'd have to give it thorough testing. I'm
> particularly nervous about the libraries and headers.
> Has anyone actually run a system without any BIND bits installed?
> Particularly a desktop system, which compiles stuff from ports.

I use Bernstein's DNS server and client programs on my systems. I do a
normal install, chmod 0 all BIND-related server and client programs and
use NO_BIND from then on. This works for me but -- as you already
mentioned -- things probably break in interesting ways for third party
scripts that rely on the presence of dig or nslookup and a particular
output format.

> If we can get enough consensus, and most importantly, people to test it,
> I'd be very interested in the idea of removing BIND from 6-Current
> altogether, with the exception of whatever libs/headers are deemed
> essential, and the userland binaries dig and host. Since I can already
> hear the whining about not having nslookup, we should probably include
> that too, although I'd dearly love to nuke it.

I am all for it and would participate in testing.


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