Way forward with BIND 8

Bruce A. Mah bmah at freebsd.org
Fri Jun 6 13:52:24 PDT 2003

If memory serves me right, Sean Chittenden wrote:
> > : >  -CURRENT and 5.1R remove BIND8 from contrib. User will have to
> > : >   install from ports whatever pleases him/her (bind8.3, bind8.4, bind9,
> > : >   djbdns, maradns, ...).
> > : > 
> > : >  -CURRENT and 5.1R import BIND9 Resolver (IPv6 aware if you wish).
> > : 
> > : It is way too late to make changes of this sort for 5.1-RELEASE.
> > 
> > s/of this sort/of any sort/g

Not quite true.  We have delayed releases for security vulnerabilities
before.  But I digress.

> For 5.1 I absolutely agree, do nothing (I don't think the poster knew
> how close 5.1 is to being released.. <72hrs and counting).  Let's not
> let this semantic error derail the point at hand.

I actually don't have an informed opinion on what BIND we should be
shipping (or not shipping) in the base system.  I'm hoping to learn
more as the discussion progresses.  I just wanted to speak up to make
sure the idea of a last-minute change to 5.1-RELEASE died early.  :-p

Please continue...

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