Way forward with BIND 8

Andrew P. Lentvorski, Jr. bsder at allcaps.org
Fri Jun 6 12:24:32 PDT 2003

On Fri, 6 Jun 2003, Bill Moran wrote:

> So, as I see it, the FreeBSD developers carefully evaluate claims of "newer,
> better" and make decisions based on internal testing and experience - not
> marketing hype.  Of course, the BIND folks don't want to continue to maintain
> BIND 8, so it's only natural for them to push BIND 9.

I seem to remember that part of the issue is that FreeBSD pulls in the
resolver libraries from BIND.  Consequently, if you pull BIND 9 in, you 
also get stuck with its resolver libraries.  And there were some issues 
with the BIND 9 libraries ...

I actually would like to see BIND completely excised from the base system.  
However, every time I look at the amount of work required to break the
dependence between the resolver library and BIND, I generally realize that
there is something else I'd much rather be doing.  ;)


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