Way forward with BIND 8

Matthew Dillon dillon at apollo.backplane.com
Fri Jun 6 10:26:31 PDT 2003

    Bind-9 should be the default in both -current and -stable.  Bind-8 has
    some serious, unfixable issues with it the biggest of which being that
    NS glue and additional-record returns are not properly separated out from
    official glue and official record data in internal structures and can 
    poison the DNS cache.  The second biggest problem has to do with the way
    Bind-8 forwards responses from servers to clients without regenerating
    them, leaving a path potentially open for hacked DNS sites to directly
    corrupt programs.   Nobody with any serious DNS needs should be using
    bind-8 any more.

    There are two issues with a changeover to bind-9.  First, the bind-9
    port does not properly install the new encrypted command/management
    system (the equivalent to ndc in bind-8), and, second, there are some
    differences in named.conf and zone file operation.   That said it only
    took me an hour to convert my moderate DNS setup (serving four or five
    domains) over to bind-9 a year or so ago.

    But it is something I think needs to be done.  Using the whole
    -release/-stable mess as an excuse to not do it is a cop-out, especially
    considering that there is still a huge amount of kernel work currently
    being done that has nothing to do with the stabilization of critical
    subsystems, and nobody is stopping that.

    Another alternative is to make a clean break between 4.x and 5.x.  The
    point when the FreeBSD project goes to 6-current/5-stable is the point
    when I have stated that I am going to make a decision whether to take
    the 4.* branch series under my wing or not.


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