Way forward with BIND 8

Garance A Drosihn drosih at rpi.edu
Fri Jun 6 08:57:12 PDT 2003

At 12:09 AM -0700 6/6/03, Doug Barton wrote:
>2. At some suitable point in the near future (definitely
>    before the next 4.x release), MFC 8.3.5.
>3. At some suitable point in the future, probably after
>    the BIND 8.4.1 release, import 8.4.x into HEAD.

This seems reasonable.

>FYI, for those wondering why I'm not considering BIND 9 for
>import, please see
>    http://people.freebsd.org/~dougb/whybind8.html

One hopes this will be re-evaluated sometime after 6.x starts,
and before *that* becomes the stable branch.  Given that we're
almost at the point of having 5.x become freebsd-stable, it is
probably best that we not jump to bind 9 at this point.
However, I don't think we can stay at bind 9 forever...

Garance Alistair Drosehn            =   gad at gilead.netel.rpi.edu
Senior Systems Programmer           or  gad at freebsd.org
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute    or  drosih at rpi.edu

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