Making a dynamically-linked root

Terry Lambert tlambert2 at
Thu Jun 5 04:40:50 PDT 2003

"Daniel C. Sobral" wrote:
> > I always love this one.  The same thing that happens if you hose
> > your shell, any of your kernel modules get corruptes, you hose
> > your kernel, you hose any of the files that the boot loader looks
> > in before actually loading the kernel, you hose init, or you hose
> > mount, or any one of dozens of other files.
> >
> > It's not like linking shared gives you any kind of statistically
> > significant increase in the number of single points of failure or
> > the overall MTBF for the overall system.
> It doesn't? If /bin/sh is hosed, I use /bin/csh. If /bin/ls is hosed, I
> use 'echo *'. If /boot/kernel/kernel gets hosed, I use
> /boot/kernel.old/kernel. If a module gets hosed, I don't load it or use
> the one in kernel.old. And so forth.

And if init or mount gets hosed?

> So, I did not have any single point of failure for single file
> corruption before.

Yes, you do.  You're just ignoring them in favor of knocking
down strawmen that are only strawmen because you have local,
physical access to the console on the machine.

If you were remote, you would have to also add hosing the
loader.conf to not enable the serial console, or any of the
files the boot loader looks at.

> Now I do. But you claim there was not significant increase,
> statistically speaking. Could you please point out what am I
> missing?

You're not so much missing anything as you are ignoring the
examples which are inconvenient to arguing your position.

-- Terry

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