Making a dynamically-linked root

Olaf Wagner wagner at
Wed Jun 4 10:08:06 PDT 2003

In article <20030604083801.GA74277 at> you wrote:

> --IJpNTDwzlM2Ie8A6
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Content-Disposition: inline
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

>> The current /bin/sh must be dynamically linked because it relies on NSS.

> One could implement an NSS proxy/cache daemon like lookupd in Mac OS X=20
> (or nscd in Linux/Solaris, although the general impression seems to be=20
> that "nscd sucks"). This way static binaries could use dynamic NSS=20
> plugins.

> The cache daemon can be dynamically linked and make full use of all=20
> NSS plugins.

> A small NSS module that can talk to the daemon can be included into=20
> all statically linked programs.

I especially like this suggestion. Are there any plans to implement
a lookupd for FreeBSD or is anybody already working on it? If not,
could the MacOS X sources be used (i.e. are they contained in Darwin)?

|| Olaf Wagner           | wagner at (private) |
|| Cranachstrasse 7      | wagner at (business)            |
|| D-12157 Berlin        | phone: +49 30  85 60 26 70            | 
|| Germany / Deutschland | fax:   +49 30  85 58 01 88            | 

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