Making a dynamically-linked root

Daniel C. Sobral dcs at
Wed Jun 4 09:25:56 PDT 2003

Brooks Davis wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 04, 2003 at 10:42:10AM -0300, Daniel C. Sobral wrote:
>>Terry Lambert wrote:
>>>Mike Makonnen wrote:
>>>>2. What happens if I hose one of the libraries?
>>>I always love this one.  The same thing that happens if you hose
>>>your shell, any of your kernel modules get corruptes, you hose
>>>your kernel, you hose any of the files that the boot loader looks
>>>in before actually loading the kernel, you hose init, or you hose
>>>mount, or any one of dozens of other files.
>>>It's not like linking shared gives you any kind of statistically
>>>significant increase in the number of single points of failure or
>>>the overall MTBF for the overall system.
>>It doesn't? If /bin/sh is hosed, I use /bin/csh. If /bin/ls is hosed, I 
>>use 'echo *'. If /boot/kernel/kernel gets hosed, I use 
>>/boot/kernel.old/kernel. If a module gets hosed, I don't load it or use 
>>the one in kernel.old. And so forth.
>>If libc gets hosed, *ALL* programs stop working.
>>So, I did not have any single point of failure for single file 
>>corruption before. Now I do. But you claim there was not significant 
>>increase, statistically speaking. Could you please point out what am I 
> /rescue/sh

Sorry, Terry didn't answer /rescue/sh. He disclaimed the need for one 
because, see, the risk we are incurring by having root dynamically 
linked isn't greater.

Yes, /rescue/sh answer this question. But I'm not questioning the 
proposal, I'm questioning Terry's answer to a valid question (which 
*should* have been /rescue/sh).

Daniel C. Sobral                   (8-DCS)
Gerencia de Operacoes
Divisao de Comunicacao de Dados
Coordenacao de Seguranca
VIVO Centro Oeste Norte
Fones: 55-61-313-7654/Cel: 55-61-9618-0904
E-mail: Daniel.Capo at
         Daniel.Sobral at
         dcs at

	dcs at
	dcs at
	capo at

Your reasoning powers are good, and you are a fairly good planner.

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