Making a dynamically-linked root

Peter Jeremy peterjeremy at
Tue Jun 3 01:05:13 PDT 2003

On Mon, Jun 02, 2003 at 02:25:43PM -0700, Matthew Dillon wrote:
>    start!).  Running certain daemon startups in the background might yield
>    a significant overall improvement in startup times.  
>    e.g. instead of running 'sshd' you would run sshd in a subshell, aka
>    (sshd &), so the RC script can continue on with the next thing without
>    having to wait for sshd to fault-in from disk.  Same goes for sendmail
>    and many other daemons.

This isn't a definite win.  I know in the past it used to actually
slow things down: To take your example, having both sshd and sendmail
attempting to fault-in from disk in parallel will thrash both the disk
and cache far more than sshd and sendmail sequentially faulting in.  A
very large number of daemons trying to start in parallel will also
stress the scheduler.


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