Making a dynamically-linked root

Andrew Gallatin gallatin at
Mon Jun 2 14:07:38 PDT 2003

Gordon Tetlow writes:
 > On Mon, Jun 02, 2003 at 03:58:46PM -0400, Andrew Gallatin wrote:
 > > 
 > > Gordon Tetlow writes:
 > >  > 
 > >  > There will be a performance hit associated with this. I did a quick
 > >  > measurement at boot and my boot time (from invocation of /etc/rc to
 > >  > the login prompt) went from 12 seconds with a static root to 15
 > >  > seconds with a dynamic root. I have yet to perform a worldstone on
 > >  > it.
 > > 
 > > Wow!  That's a 25% pessimization.  I'm afraid that other heavily
 > > scripted and or fork intensive environments may fair just as poorly
 > > (dynamic web content, SMTP servers, etc) as the startup scripts.
 > You need to realize that with the advent of rcNG that their are alot
 > of additional shell invocations. Also bear in mind that your dynamic

In the boot scripts.  I agree that the time to boot is not a concern.
My main concern is other scripting intensive areas of the system which
you may not have measured.

 > web content and SMTP servers are already going to be dynamically linked.

Sure, but if they're using shell scripting at all, then the
applications they invoke may not be.  /bin/sh and /bin/ls, for

 > In fact, the thing that will be hardest hit will be the boot scripts.

If that's true, then that's fine.  However, if you propose making such
a big change, then I think the burden is on you to prove that it will
not impact other areas of the system.  I look forward to seeing the 
worldstones, preferrably from a -j4 or higher build.  If there's not a
measurable slowdown there, then I'll shutup.  



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