Making a dynamically-linked root

Sean Chittenden sean at
Mon Jun 2 12:42:25 PDT 2003

> Part of the reason for this email was to communicate to Tim that I'd
> like his patches to integrate into my tree.

Careful Tim, this is a slippery slope!!!

> > On a different note regarding /rescue, would it be possible to add
> > less(1) to the rescue set?  In single user mode, scroll lock
> > doesn't work and there's no way to read recent entries in UPDATING
> > without
> Hmm, my scroll lock works in single-user.

:-/ Interesting, mine doesn't.  *kicks latitude* Works when I'm in X
though.  *sigh*

> > cat(1) or head(1).  Lastly, on install, given the importance of
> > having functioning binaries for /bin and /sbin, has it been
> > considered to have the programs executed once before install to
> > see if they can run, possibly with the -V flag?
> > 
> > 	 ./[progname] --test
> > 	 install [progname] /bin
> This isn't a bad idea going down the road.

If you'd like to shovel the grunt work off on someone, let me know,
I'm due for a bit of mindless work.


Sean Chittenden
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