Making a dynamically-linked root

Sean Chittenden sean at
Mon Jun 2 12:10:10 PDT 2003

> I'm planning on making a dynamically-linked root partition by
> 5.2. To that end, I'm planning on doing to the following:
> Integrate Tim Kientzle's /rescue patches into the tree
> Create /lib and populate with all the libs needed to support dynamically
>   linked binaries in /bin and /sbin
> Have a big (probably NO_DYNAMIC_ROOT) knob to switch from static to
>   dynamic.

I didn't see the bits for /rescue in the attached patch listed to know
if there is a more updated /rescue patch available, but I just want to
emphasize the caution necessary for this.

I'm on the road at the moment and decided to update my laptop last
night.  This morning when I did an installworld/installkernel, my copy
of was hosed. I think it had something to do with libmap,
but I haven't spent the time to figure it out yet.  With my cdrom
drive and floppy about 700mi away, I was counting my lucky stars that
my old was backed up as and that
/bin|/sbin were statically compiled.

On a different note regarding /rescue, would it be possible to add
less(1) to the rescue set?  In single user mode, scroll lock doesn't
work and there's no way to read recent entries in UPDATING without
cat(1) or head(1).  Lastly, on install, given the importance of having
functioning binaries for /bin and /sbin, has it been considered to
have the programs executed once before install to see if they can run,
possibly with the -V flag?

	 ./[progname] --test
	 install [progname] /bin

Having make bomb out after having the program run a "self test" that
tests its ability to execute with ld would save many headaches.

As for the performance hit that you describe, have you investigated
the prebinding work to see how that affects performance with /lib and
/usr/lib prebound?


Sean Chittenden
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