/usr/src/tools hierarchy and Vinum

Greg 'groggy' Lehey grog at FreeBSD.org
Sun Dec 21 16:06:39 PST 2003

I'm finally in the advanced stages of writing some tools for testing
Vinum, and I'm wondering where to put them.  To do so, I've taken a
look at the top level directories:

   drwxr-xr-x   5 grog  lemis   512 May 22  2003 

  KSE/		   Seems to be specific tests for KSE.  No comments.
  LibraryReport/   An undocumented TCL script
  build/	   Not quite clear what this is for either
  debugscripts/	   gdb scripts for kernel debugging
  diag/		   diagnostic programs
  install.sh	   undocumented
  make_libdeps.sh  undocumented
  regression/	   regression test programs
  test/		   normal test programs
  tools/	   miscellaneous tools

My problem is that most of the tests that I have written measure Vinum
performance.  In so doing, of course, they ensure that most of the
subsystem is working.  My current feeling is that I should split these
tests into two directories:

  /usr/src/tools/test/vinum	    Test Vinum functionality
  /usr/src/tools/performance/vinum  Test Vinum performance

The test/vinum test would include performance/vinum for much of the


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