Power profile script

Mike Makonnen mtm at identd.net
Mon Dec 15 01:52:59 PST 2003

On Sat, Dec 13, 2003 at 01:12:03PM -0800, Nate Lawson wrote:
> I'm mostly looking for style input on the /etc/power_profile script since
> I'm not familiar with our scripting guidelines.  Note that it's called
> from devd (or manually by the user) and is not an rc.d boot-time thing.

/etc/rc.d is not just for boot time scripts. You can put 'nostart' in
the script's KEYWORD section if you don't want it processed at boot time.
My personal feeling is that if it is configured through rc.conf then it
should go in /etc/rc.d, but I won't insist on it.

> +
> +# Pull in default values.
> +if [ -r /etc/defaults/rc.conf ]; then
> +	. /etc/defaults/rc.conf
> +	source_rc_confs
> +elif [ -r /etc/rc.conf ]; then
> +	. /etc/rc.conf
> +fi

Please source /etc/rc.subr and use the load_rc_config() routine
to do this. Usage: load_rc_config $command. If you don't want
it to source a /etc/rc.conf.d/$command file, then just use 'XXX'
as its argument.

> +
> +if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
> +	echo "Usage: $0 [0x00|0x01]"
> +	exit 1
> +fi

There are also other convenience routines in that file
that you may wish to use. For example the err() routine
might be of use in the above situation.

Mike Makonnen  | GPG-KEY: http://www.identd.net/~mtm/mtm.asc
mtm at identd.net | Fingerprint: 00E8 61BC 0D75 7FFB E4D3  6BF1 B239 D010 3215 D418
mtm at FreeBSD.Org| FreeBSD - Unleash the Daemon !

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