misc patches to FreeBSD (Geode, USB, kqueue, ObjC)

Bodo Rüskamp jordbaer at mac.com
Sun Apr 27 03:02:41 PDT 2003


I have compiled a list of patches for FreeBSD on 
<http://www.clabsms.de/FreeBSD/index.html>. They are the result of 
using the FreeBSD kernel on our Set-Top-Box hardware, which uses the 
Geode processor by National Semiconductor.

We used to patch the past FreeBSD releases since 4.3 to get our 
software working, but since our product is now released, we would like 
to merge the patches into the main FreeBSD repository, so that they are 
included in FreeBSD 4.9.

A short overview:

These patches are to support the NSC Geode processor.

These patches add the kqueue(2) interface to bpf(4) and usb(4).

This contains a fix for a serious bug in the OHCI code that was present 
for a very long time in FreeBSD and NetBSD: The attach/detach routines 
have a bug that makes the usbd hang in the kernel (unkillable). Also 
some minor fixes are included, ported from NetBSD 1.6.1.

This patch makes the connect() function of ng_ksocket work.

Patches for the ObjC include headers that are required, if you use GCC 
with all warnings turned on.

; Bodo Rüskamp

Bodo Rüskamp <jordbaer at mac.com>

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