[FreeBSD-rc] Re: RFC: Removal of the old rc system from -current

Doug Barton DougB at FreeBSD.org
Sun Apr 27 01:06:53 PDT 2003

On Sat, 26 Apr 2003, Doug Barton wrote:

> Before you have another knee-jerk REaction to my proposal, please stop and
> think about how much different this scenario is than something like a
> kernel interface or binary.

It occurs to me that this may have come out sounding a lot harsher than I
meant it. I'm certainly not implying that Scott is a bonehead, that's
obviously not the case. This situation actually is very different than
other release engineering concerns, which is why I'm saying, "stop and
think" about it.

It also occurred to me that part of the problem here is that I failed to
make these differences clear in my original post. I think it's just a case
of being so close to the code that I had assumed it was obvious to
everyone. :)

Hope this helps,



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