apache 2.0 / 2.2

Philip M. Gollucci pgollucci at taximagic.com
Mon Nov 14 02:19:00 UTC 2011


At AC NA 2011 --
   1) A formal statement will be coming out about 2.0.x EOL sometime in 

   2) 2.3.15 is expected to the be the last beta before 2.4.0 before the 
end of November.

   3) That said, I think we can start adding a 24 port officially, Its 
not too late send fixes in either, if we have things in files/ that are 
not related to layout please ferry them upstream via me or the 
dev at httpd.a.o list, so we can easily update this new port.  I'm sure the 
first 2-4 will be relatively fast. AFAIK, I believe ohaurer@ and maybe 
even clement@ have done some work for the port already, so rather then 
me re-inventing the wheel, can you point us back at your RIP.

1024D/DB9B8C1C B90B FBC3 A3A1 C71A 8E70  3F8C 75B8 8FFB DB9B 8C1C
Philip M. Gollucci (pgollucci at p6m7g8.com) c: 703.336.9354
Member,                           Apache Software Foundation
Committer,                        FreeBSD Foundation
Consultant,                       P6M7G8 Inc.
Director Operations,              Ridecharge Inc.

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