Current problem reports assigned to
FreeBSD bugmaster
bugmaster at
Mon Sep 21 11:06:16 UTC 2009
Note: to view an individual PR, use:
The following is a listing of current problems submitted by FreeBSD users.
These represent problem reports covering all versions including
experimental development code and obsolete releases.
S Tracker Resp. Description
o ports/138846 apache www/apache22 mod_proxy optional patch is not applied b
o ports/138466 apache [patch] www/apache22: 'rc.d/apache22 graceful' fails (
o ports/138373 apache www/apache22 accf_data required at apache startup
o ports/137729 apache www/mod_auth_kerb2 port broken on 8.0-BETA2
o ports/136928 apache [PATCH] www/apache20 - suexec resource limits patch
o ports/136598 apache [PATCH] www/mod_fastcgi: Fix non-threadsafe function
o ports/136432 apache www/mod_auth_kerb does not build with MIT Kerberos (se
a ports/134577 apache www/apache22: build faild with mod_auth_digest
a ports/133773 apache net/keepalived port update request
o ports/130479 apache www/apache20 and www/apache22 configure_args busted
o ports/128952 apache [NEW PORT] java/javadb: Sun's supported distribution o
o ports/128078 apache www/apache20 -- LDAP support is broken
o ports/125183 apache www/apache22 wrong SUEXEC_DOCROOT
o ports/124375 apache www/mod_auth_kerb doesn't compile against heimdal
o ports/121134 apache www/mod_log_sql2-dtc scoreboard problem
o ports/120229 apache www/apache20 does not pick up usernames from NIS [regr
o ports/118003 apache www/apache22: with PgSQL option require only
p ports/116984 apache [patch] www/apache13-modssl missing perl5.8 as RUN_DEP
o ports/108169 apache www/apache20 wrong AP_SAFE_PATH for suEXEC
a ports/101566 apache www/apache20 All .svn subdirectories in $(htdocsdir) g
a ports/96953 apache www/apache22 port uses its own directories
a ports/83644 apache www/apache20 add support for ndbm
22 problems total.
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