(AKA service problems.

Jordan K. Hubbard jkh at
Wed Jan 14 03:41:25 PST 1998

Some of you may have noticed that mail from the FreeBSD lists was a
little thin today, this being because the Quantum Empire 2100 disk
that served as its drive 0 (from the very beginning days of the
project!)  finally decided that enough was enough and checked out for
good.  Funeral services will be held later on this week.

This means that our upgrade from 2.1.7 to 2.2-stable went just a wee
bit earlier than planned and with considerably more abruptness than we
would have liked, but that's life.  A tape drive is now being
purchased for more full-time backup duties, in the fond tradition of
locking the barn door after the horse has escaped, been run down by a
truck and eaten by scavengers. :-)

Anyway, the mailing list data was on freefall so we escaped with less
damage than we might have, but it'll take another couple of days to
get everything else working again and this message is just FYI.


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