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owner-freebsd-announce owner-freebsd-announce
Thu Dec 28 17:37:10 PST 1995

	>From owner-majordomo  Wed Dec 27 18:00:16 1995
	Received: from ( [])
	          by (8.7.3/8.7.3) with SMTP id SAA02351
	          for <freebsd-announce at>; Wed, 27 Dec 1995 18:00:13 -0800 (PST)
	Received: (warren at localhost) by (8.6.8/8.3) id MAA04468; Thu, 28 Dec 1995 12:58:04 +1100
	Date: Thu, 28 Dec 1995 12:58:04 +1100
	From: warren at (Warren Toomey)
	Message-Id: <199512280158.MAA04468 at>
	To: freebsd-announce at
	Subject: Monthly Reminder: BSD Information Archive on Minnie

	Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.announce
	Subject: Monthly Reminder: *BSD Information Archive on Minnie
	From: wkt at (Warren Toomey)
	Message-ID: <minbsd820115896 at>
	Supersedes: <minbsd817523897 at>
	Followup-To: poster
	Organization: ADFA, Canberra, Australia
	Summary: Where to get information about BSD
	Keywords: bsd, news, archive, ftp, telnet, WWW [] has a publically available cache of
	information on BSD4.x and BSD-related systems, especially the free flavours
	of BSD. 

	Web Documents

	All of the BSD-related information on minnie can be accessed through the
	Web at There are many hotlinks
	to the FreeBSD and NetBSD web pages. Minnie has web pages with:

	    + Interactive access to a Usenet News archive on BSD.
	    + A hyperlinked version of the FreeBSD 2.0.5 kernel source code.

	------- keeps an archive of the Usenet news on BSD, taken from
	several newsgroups. This archive can be accessed either via telnet or
	through the WorldWide Web.

	You can do two things:

		+ search through the news subject lines for a particular pattern
		+ retrieve particular articles

	To do this by telnet, telnet to and login as `bsdnews'.
	To do this through the Web, connect to the Web URL above and follow the
	link to the News Web interface page.


	Minnie has the following BSD-related stuff available by anonymous ftp:

	   + FreeBSD - FreeBSD 2.0.5-RELEASE, and some previous versions.
	   + bsdnews - The Usenet news about *BSD, from June 1992 onwards.
	   + daemons - Gif images of the BSD Daemons. These are copyright by
		       Marshall Kirk McKusick. 
	   + phillip - NFS mount of some other *BSD stuff, which is maintained by
		       Phillip Musumeci here at ADFA. 
	   + 4.4BSD-Lite - The entire source tree for 4.4BSD-Lite. 
	   + net2    - The kernel source tree for the Net/2 distribution.

	Please ftp from a site closer to you, if there is one. Australia has a
	single link to the Internet, and it's usually saturated. Thanks!

		Warren Toomey wkt at

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