Compiling FreeBSD-CURRENT with ‘c++’?

Rares Aioanei bsdlisten at
Fri Feb 21 12:46:36 UTC 2020

On Fri, Feb 21, 2020 at 04:31:24AM -0800, Unidef Defshrizzle wrote:
> I’m starting kernel development and thought congruentently (sp) testing out
> my c++ ability would be nice
> It compiled last time iirc, with no disruptions in compilation or
> debugging, maybe it was !stable, who knows, but froze on boot. Think some
> dmesges got through
> I have no idea how to debug a frozen FreeBSD install, so can I get some
> tech support?
> Basically I have a minor plan for FreeBSD, inheritance would work well with
> modular code, and allows subclassing existing classes with enough hacking,
> making a application level hacking spree os
> It’s like Minecraft, but crack, at least in my head
> But how can I integrate c++ universally in the kernel?

Can you please detail what exactly you mean by "integrate C++ universally in the kernel" ?
Write kernel code in C++? Kernel tests? Something else? Anyway, the kernel is written in C, 
and, Clang?LLVM being the most notable exception, so is the rest of the base system.

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