amd64/147560: [boot] Booting 8.1-PRERELEASE raidz system take
Krzysztof Dajka
alteriks at
Tue Jun 8 20:00:16 UTC 2010
The following reply was made to PR amd64/147560; it has been noted by GNATS.
From: Krzysztof Dajka <alteriks at>
To: bug-followup at, alteriks at
Subject: Re: amd64/147560: [boot] Booting 8.1-PRERELEASE raidz system take
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 2010 21:33:12 +0200
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
I have done few test and narrowed problem to probing usb devices. I have
taken following steps:
1) I prepared installed bootcode to 3 devices
- 512MB Kingston flash drive
- 32MB SD Card
- 1MB file (created with dd, mounted with mdconfig, added gpt partition and
freebsd-boot slice) booted over pxe
2) All devices had newest bootcode, booting from every device was terrible
slow, but sd card was significantly slower than others.
3) I played with my zpool
# zpool offline zroot gpt/disk2
4) reboot
5) I booted with every device. Booting from both devices connected to usb
bus, was slow. Booting over pxe from 1MB 'drive' with bootcode was very fast
as it should be.
6) Booting over pxe with any device attached to usb bus was again slow!
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<br> I have done few test and narrowed problem to probing usb devices. I ha=
ve<br>taken following steps:<br><br>1) I prepared installed bootcode to 3 d=
evices<br>- 512MB Kingston flash drive<br>- 32MB SD Card<br>- 1MB file (cre=
ated with dd, mounted with mdconfig, added gpt partition and<br>
freebsd-boot slice) booted over pxe<br>2) All devices had newest bootcode, =
booting from every device was terrible<br>slow, but sd card was significant=
ly slower than others.<br>3) I played with my zpool<br># zpool offline zroo=
t gpt/disk2<br>
4) reboot<br>5) I booted with every device. Booting from both devices conne=
cted to usb<br>bus, was slow. Booting over pxe from 1MB 'drive' wit=
h bootcode was very fast<br>as it should be.<br>6) Booting over pxe with an=
y device attached to usb bus was again slow!<br>
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