FreeBSD for Intel(r) Xeon Processor X5560

Andriy Gapon avg at
Fri Jul 23 12:38:05 UTC 2010

on 23/07/2010 04:06 Manju Kalita said the following:
> Hi Friends, My Processor is "Intel(r) Xeon(r) Processor X5560 (2.80 GHz, 8MB L3
> Cache, 95W, DDR3-1333, HT, Turbo 2/2/3/3)". Could you please advice which
> FreeBSD architecture I should use?

amd64 or i386 depending on your full setup.
amd64 is typically preferred for 64-bit capable x86 machines.

> As per the FreeBSD site, IA64 is still
> running on tier 2.  Could you please help me out?

Have you also learned what is IA64?

> What will be the performance if I go for Amd64? Will Amd64 will support
> Intel(r) Xeon(r) Processor X5560?

AFAICS, this is a normal Intel EMT64 processor, not an Itanium processor, which
means that it supports amd64 architecture.

Andriy Gapon

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