new to amd64

Claus Guttesen kometen at
Mon Sep 7 19:45:33 UTC 2009

>        After years using i386, I finally installed amd64 and
> ... everything is just like I fondly remember.   :-)
>        Thanks to all those who have made that happen.
>        However, I'm still a little nervous about the things I don't
> know yet.  I'm about to build a custom kernel; would someone please
> take a look at the config file (appended) and tell me if there's
> anything I've added, or left out, that's going to break something?

I used to custombuild my kernels some years ago. When I look back I
did not achieve much, especially not compared to the time spend
commenting out features. And I think I did it because "I can". And a
postgresql-server needed some tuning. The settings I changed/added are
tunable via /etc/sysctl.conf or /boot/loader.conf.

So unless your kernel is build with limited memory (guess not) or you
really need a handcrafted kernel it's not worth it except you get some
knowledge of what goes into a kernel-configuration.

Try to compile your kernel and reboot. If it boots, nice. :-) If not,
you can alway unload the kernel at the boot prompt and load
/boot/kernel.old/kernel and get back to a working kernel.

Good luck.


When lenity and cruelty play for a kingdom,
the gentler gamester is the soonest winner.


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