amd64/140067: [boot] 8.0-RC2 from ISO, after install, hangs on boot right before loader

Weldon Godfrey wgodfrey at
Thu Oct 29 03:30:02 UTC 2009

>Number:         140067
>Category:       amd64
>Synopsis:       [boot] 8.0-RC2 from ISO, after install, hangs on boot right before loader
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       serious
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-amd64
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Thu Oct 29 03:30:01 UTC 2009
>Originator:     Weldon Godfrey
>Release:        8.0-RC2
I installed FreeBSD8.0-RC2 on a Dell 2950-iii, with the intention of moving the disks to another Dell 2950-iii.  The install won't boot.  After the boot loader, it just hangs with the "-" and doesn't get to the BSD loader menu.

I went ahead and tried to reinstall FreeBSD 8.0-RC2 on those disks, the installer was able to find the label and particians.  I went ahead and had it re-install over the disks (the holographic shell showed that the old data was there while it was reinstalling).  When it rebooted to boot up for the 1st time, it hung in the same part.  I took those disks back to the 2950-iii I originally installed it on and it booted fine.

The difference with the 2950-iii that will not boot 8.0-RC2 is:
1.  it is 16GB RAM instead of 8GB
2.  it has a 3ware 9690SE8 controller, with 24 SAS drives attached.

Both 2950-iii's are running the same version of BIOS

I am installing FreeBSD onto a set of RAID1 disks on PERC/6i controllers. 

Is there a problem with the loader with lots of disks visible?  or is it a problem having two controllers and/or a issue with the 3ware controller?

I put back my old disks running an old version of 8.0-CURRENT (DEC 12th i think), it came back up.   However, I remember that I had to use a loader from 7.0-CURRENT because newer loaders would not load (however, it would hang after the loader menu).
see full descr.


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