Netvault on FreeBSD-7.2 AMD64

Roland Smith rsmith at
Mon Jun 29 18:43:03 UTC 2009

On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 12:19:44PM +0200, Karsten Thygesen wrote:
> Hi
> We use FreeBSD-7.2 (p2, amd64) but it turns out, that there is  
> problems running Netvault.
> Netvault only support FreeBSD in 32bit (and I can verify, that it  
> works just fine here), so we are on out own with 64bit support.
> I'm quite new to 64bit edition of FreeBSD, so there might be something  
> simple, that I do not know about, but when I try to run one of the  
> netvault binaries, I get this error:
> [karthy at karthywork ~]$ ./txtconfig
> ELF interpreter /libexec/ not found
> Abort trap: 6

AFAIK, a 32-bit app should be looking for /libexec/!

Does /libexec/ exist? Are there any libraries in /usr/lib32?
If not, you need to install or build 32-bit compatible libraries. Not
just the system libraries (you should be able to get those from the
install CD with sysinstall), but also any 3rd party libraries that
netvault requires!

> [karthy at karthywork ~]$ ls -l /libexec/
> -r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  198456 Jun 29 11:32 /libexec/

> [karthy at karthywork ~]$ file txtconfig
> txtconfig: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1  
> (FreeBSD), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), stripped
> [karthy at karthywork ~]$ uname -a
> FreeBSD 7.2-RELEASE-p2 FreeBSD 7.2-RELEASE-p2 #0:  
> Wed Jun 24 00:14:35 UTC 2009     root at 
> usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC  amd64

Seems that you are using a GENERIC kernel. That does include 32-bit

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