amd64/141413: Tyan 2881 m3289 SMDC freeze

Byron Young bkyoung74q9 at
Sun Dec 13 00:40:06 UTC 2009

>Number:         141413
>Category:       amd64
>Synopsis:       Tyan 2881 m3289 SMDC freeze
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-amd64
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Sun Dec 13 00:40:05 UTC 2009
>Originator:     Byron Young
>Release:        8.0-RELEASE
FreeBSD opteron.localdomain 8.0-RELEASE FreeBSD 8.0-RELEASE #5: Sat Dec 12 07:42:44 PST 2009     root at opteron.localdomain:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC  amd64

After default install of 8.0-RELEASE on SMDC machine, Tyan TSO Manager 1.6.1 running on remote XP machine cannot connect to SMDC card. However, when running DOS 6.22 on SMDC machine, remote TSO manager connects out-of-band to SMDC card on SMDC machine.

Install 8.0-RELEASE on SMDC machine then boot into 8.0-RELEASE. Attempt to connect to SMDC card in SMDC machine using TSO manager/console from remote XP machine.
Escape to boot loader prompt.
At this point, remote TSO Manager connects to SMDC card.
At boot loader prompt, set bge variable hw.bge.allow_asf=1, then boot directly into single user mode. In single user mode, verify hw.bge.allow_asf is set using sysctl hw.bge.allow_asf.
At this point, remote TSO Manager connects to SMDC card.
Attempt to configure bge0 using ifconfig
ifconfig bge0 inet netmask

ifconfig and kernel freeze, forcing power cycle reset.


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