[regression] 8.0-CURRENT amd64: SATA disks not attaching, MCP55 controller

Florian Smeets flo at kasimir.com
Thu Aug 6 07:47:30 UTC 2009

On 8/5/09 10:17 PM, Sticky Bit wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a similar problem with 8.0-CURRENT amd64 like described in PR 128686
> and PR 132372 and several older ones. Short: SATA disks will not attach.
> Some example (please see full logs below):
> [...]
> ata3: Identifying devices: 00000001
> ata3: New devices: 00000001
> ata3: reiniting channel ..
> ata3: SATA connect time=0ms status=00000123
> ata3: reset tp1 mask=01 ostat0=58 ostat1=00
> ata3: stat0=0x50 err=0x01 lsb=0x00 msb=0x00
> ata3: reset tp2 stat0=50 stat1=00 devices=0x1
> ata3: reinit done ..
> unknown: FAILURE - ATA_IDENTIFY timed out LBA=0
> [...]
> SATA 300 controller is a MCP55 (ULTRA, not SLI) chip, which is working without
> any problems for years. Works fine with recent RELENG_7 amd64, but not with
> RELENG_8 amd64.
> RELENG_8 i386 seems to attach the disks. So it looks like an amd64 only bug.


i had the same problem with MCP55 on amd64, i tried the new ahci module 
but to no avail.

However if you set hw.pci.mcfg=0 the disks are found by the normal ata 
driver (this is already mentioned in one of the PRs).


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