am2 MBs - 4g + SCSI wipes out root partition
freebsd at
Fri Oct 10 18:44:16 UTC 2008
> I get a problem on several am2 motherboards when an SCSI Adaptor (LSI or=20
> Adaptec) is installed and with 4Gigs of Ram
> the problem is easy to repeat, after some minutes compiling world the machi=
> ne=20
> crashes, sometimes a panic mmap ffs crossrefeerence or something, passes to=
> o=20
> fast to look an when the machine comes back often the complete root partiti=
> on=20
> is gone or if not it needs manual fsck and mostly /dev references are gone =
> or=20
> other important parts so the disk isn't bootable anymore
> funny is (for me) that the other partitions are ok ever and only root is=20
> fucked ever
Are you running FreeBSD i386 or amd64?
Is the compiler using /tmp and /tmp is in root partition?
Maybe try having a seperate partition for /tmp, might keep
root partition from getting trashed?
> Same hardware with SATA works perfect
Maybe try root partition on SATA, everything else on SCSI
and see what happens.
If the system supports a RS-232 console, you could capture panic
message that way. Or aim a video camera at the screen.
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