32-bit/i386 ports/packges on amd64

Jack L. xxjack12xx at gmail.com
Mon Mar 19 16:54:44 UTC 2007

> P.S.
> Isn't it a little bit ironic that using *Linux* 32-bit packages on amd64
> is a supported and easy option, but using FreeBSD i386 packages is a
> gray, if not dark, territory ?
> BTW, it seems that various Linux distros have developed ways for easy
> co-existence of x86 and x86_64 packages.
Yes, it is odd... I couldn't get the amd64 shoutcast to work (I think
it should be marked as i386 only) but I did get the linux-shoutcast to
work on amd64 which is 32 bit. Very interesting indeed. Would be nice
if amd64 supported i386 as well as it does with linux 32 bit.

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