FreeBSD ethernet on a Sun Ultra 20

Peter Jeremy peterjeremy at
Mon Feb 26 09:46:47 UTC 2007

On 2007-Feb-25 13:40:39 +0100, Lars Tunkrans <lars.tunkrans at> wrote:
>On Solaris10/OpenSolaris   a file called  /etc/driver_aliases   is 
>created which contains  all the known  PCI-DEVICE  ID's 
>known  by the software ( devicedrivers ).

There's nothing similar in FreeBSD.  Most drivers have a PCI ID table
embedded in them in some form but there's no defined interface for
querying a driver as to what PCI IDs it recognizes.  Each driver is
responsible for deciding whether it can support a specific device or
not.  That decision can be based on information other than just the
PCI ID.  For example the RealTek 8139 and 8139C+ share the same PCI ID
but have different FreeBSD drivers (rl(4) and re(4), respectively).

Note that ISA devices (for example) don't have anything equivalent to

>FreeBSD  has a very  good list  of supported Hardware  that details  
>which  chipsets  are supported. 

That list is auto-generated from the section 4 man pages.  If someone
wanted to annotate all the man pages with PCI IDs then the web page
would update automatically.

>Maybe this list now needs to be enhanced with the PCI device codes, as  
>a device with the same generic name  apperantly
>now  can have several  PCI Device codes.

This has always been the case.  Compaq/HP (and probably other vendors)
regularly put vendor-specific PCI IDs into generic parts in their
systems.  Conversely, changing the chips in systems without mentioning
this anywhere is also quite common (WLAN cards are notorious for this)
- this can mean that two cards with identical part numbers and
otherwise indistinguishable from the outside of the box can require
totally different drivers.

Peter Jeremy
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