32-bit X libs?

Coleman Kane zombyfork at gmail.com
Sun Feb 5 16:52:31 PST 2006

On 2/4/06, Conrad Sabatier <conrads at cox.net> wrote:
> On 04-Feb-2006 Coleman Kane wrote:
> > It is difficult for me to believe that I am the only one with a working
> > amd64 box. I am more than happy to help in this endevaour, but I lack
> the
> > available time to appropriately spearhead this project. If enough people
> > are willing to help, I might be able to get something rolling.
> If there's anything I can do to help, please let me know.  At this time I
> have *only* an amd64 box (my i386 box having been ruined in the
> floodwaters
> of Hurricane Katrina).
> I like the /usr/compat/ia32 idea, too.
> --
> Conrad J. Sabatier <conrads at cox.net> -- "In Unix veritas"
Alright. I like the /usr/compat/ia32 idea as well. Also, I'd like to get
this going. Since I haven't really heard of anyone else heading this up,
I'll start the wheels turning.

How about this... I will personally compile a list of needs for this
project. Perhaps then, we can break it up into little tiny peices, of which
we can work on to build the final desired product. I'll take input from you
guys and attempt to act as the "information sink" to put together a draft
solution to hopefully solve all of our woes. Send me your input (
cokane at cokane.org, cokane at freebsd.org, and zombyfork at gmail.com will all
work) tonight and tomorrow. I'll try to get something together and final in
the next couple days.

thanks guys,

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