Areca Weirdness

Lawrence Farr freebsd-smp at
Fri Dec 15 05:17:32 PST 2006

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Fabian Wenk [mailto:fabian at] 
> Sent: 14 December 2006 23:05
> To: freebsd-amd64 at
> Cc: Lawrence Farr
> Subject: Re: Areca Weirdness
> Hello Lawrence
> Sorry for the late answer, I hope it still can help you.

** lots of helpful info cut from here **

> bye
> Fabian

Hi Fabian,

Thanks for taking the time to write such a detailed reply!

I created a 2Tb volume within the raid set and booted off that
without issue in the end. On Linux and FreeBSD I had to use GPT
support for the larger partitions. Coincidentally, the culprit
of the mystery crashes that I was having may have been a dodgy
power supply (it went off with an impressive bang yesterday). 
It had been fine on i386 booting directly from the Areca for a
few weeks now tho.

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