Supermicro H8DA8

JoaoBR joao at
Fri Dec 1 09:20:22 PST 2006

On Thursday 30 November 2006 08:31, JoaoBR wrote:
> Hi
> there are some rumours out that this board does not boot
> with SCSI onboard and SMP. I am getting some with 265
> dual-core opterons and I am curious if some has it
> running correctly

I believe this answer I just got from Supermicro support 
might be interesting for others too:

 >       If you configure the on-board SCSI controller as 
NONE HOST RAID then I believe there is not issue install 
Free BSD OS. But if you configuration as Host Raid or Add 
the AOC-LPZCR1 or 2 Zero Channel Raid card and 
configuration as hardware then it may run into problem 
issue with kernel image driver for the controller support 
open source OS kernel.

I still will post an update soon I get the MB and checked it 



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