suggestions for SATA RAID cards

Dan Langille dan at
Mon Aug 28 22:18:33 UTC 2006

On 28 Aug 2006 at 10:21, Francisco Reyes wrote:

> Dan Langille writes:
> > I see how to specify the port, but not the IP address for the http 
> > interface, so it appears only solution is firewalling it off.
> It's an option like "remote access". Once you select <disable>  only 
> connections from 127 are allowed in. If I recall correctly it is right above 
> where you select the port.
> The port still listens on all interfaces, as reported by sockstat, but any 
> attempts from outside give an error right away.  

Indeed:  (0x0C:0x0016): Remote Access to 3DM 2 has been disabled. 
Please connect using the local machine by entering 'localhost' in the 
URL bar


Dan Langille : Software Developer looking for work
my resume:

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