connection rate limitation for sshd - is it possible ?

Oliver Fromme olli at
Thu Apr 6 11:33:52 UTC 2006

This is off-topic (not amd64-related),
and you hijacked another thread, but anyway ...

xdavid at wrote:
 > please, is there a way to limit the number of connections to openssh 
 > daemon per time period per source ip address ? I am using this on linux 
 > boxes with iptables, but couldn't figure out how to do this with IPF on 
 > FreeBSD. If it is not possible, is there another way how to do this ? Or 
 > do you think it is (un)wise to run sshd under inetd with "-C" switch or 
 > "max-connections-per-ip-per-minute" parameter ?

It is unwise, because sshd has to generate the server key
each time it is started -- if started from inetd, that
would be each time a client connection is accepted.

Please read the description of the "-i" option in the sshd
manpage.  It explains it pretty well.

Maybe using "MaxStartups" in your sshd_config would be a
better solution (refer to the manpage for details).

Best regards

Oliver Fromme,  secnetix GmbH & Co. KG, Marktplatz 29, 85567 Grafing
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