where's the cvsupfile?

Jeff D. Hamann jeff.hamann at forestinformatics.com
Wed Sep 14 21:23:47 PDT 2005

I've installed FreeBSD-6.0BETA4 and I'm having a bit of a time. I can't get 
the usb drive to mount... anywhere. The floppy drive won't mount when I 

#  mount -v -t msdos /dev/fd0 /mnt

so I can't even transfer files to a floppy drive to help post the error 
messages from the machine! I finally had to install an additional NIC (the 
on-board sis965L chipset -- I've verified that the device sis is in the 
GENERIC kernel config file, but that was just taking a guess since the sis 
device is ) to try to cvsup to the latest ports. There's no /etc/cvsupfile 
present. I would simply create one by hand, but I don't know what values to 
put in there now (RELEG_6 or BETA_6 or what). The machine is an asus vintage 
ae-1 (I'm not sure if that has anything to do with the other problems 
described below or not) and so far I haven't been successful in doing any of 
the following:

1) getting the on-board nic to light up
2) mounting a usb flash drive

and now,

3) running cvsup

When I created a /etc/cvsupfile by hand:

bobby# cat cvsupfile
*default  host=cvsup5.FreeBSD.org
*default  base=/usr
*default  prefix=/usr
*default  release=cvs
*default  tag=RELENG_6
*default  delete use-rel-suffix
*default  compress

my response was:

bobby# /usr/local/bin/cvsup -g -L 2 /etc/cvsupfile
Parsing supfile "/etc/cvsupfile"
Parse error in "/etc/cvsupfile": Missing Field value

And now I'm stuck... And frustrated....


I went to 6.0BETA4 becuase of an initial problem with getting my hard drive 
past the boot process (I think BSD was detecting the incorrect disk 
geometry?) in 5.4 and I'm starting to wonder if I sould focus on that 
version rather than spend more time with 6.0BETAX...

Or when is the next beta release?


Jeff D. Hamann
Forest Informatics, Inc.
PO Box 1421
Corvallis, Oregon USA 97339-1421
jeff.hamann at forestinformatics.com

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